Wednesday 3 March 2010

Whoops, whats this all about ??

Monday 7th Dec

It was down to 36 in the morning but my lungs felt terrible, I felt like I had cf lungs again and had to ask Doug to go get me things which upset me as I kept saying this is meant to be in the past.

I phoned the Outpatients and told them that my night had been terrible and I felt breathless but unsure if I was panicking, though I did say that my nails were blue and they hadn’t been since tx. She said if I wanted to give myself peace of mind to go and contact my Cf unit who would check me over. I was doubtful as to whether to do this but Dougie talked me into it and I phoned the CF sisters. They got me up there for x-ray at 11am and Doug’s dropped me off on his way to get his van MOT’d. I didn’t contact mum or dad as I was hoping I was over exaggerating but when I tried to walk I felt I was back to how it was on my very worst days.

Turns out my sats were at 66% when I arrived post x-ray and soon enough Dr Ross was in seeing me, either it was infection or rejection. Either way I had to be transferred down to Newcastle in an ambulance. I was placed on 15% high flow oxygen which only managed to get my sats at 94%. I’ve never been on such high oxygen, even when I had my lung collapse.

Anyway about an hour later I was taken into an ambulance and thus began my new chapter. Dad was following me down. I arrived three plus hours later smiling but feeling terrible. The staff got me onto high flow and then later put me onto a Cpap machine which would push air into my lungs and help me breathe deeper. There was no way a bronch could be done to check what the cause was because of the high level of oxygen I was on, the only way it could be done would be using a ventilator so instead the Professors decided to start me on rejection therapy using iv steroids.

I know my dad is really worried, I can see it in his face, and he’s almost in tears which are not like my dad at all. I try to tell him that I have a great feeling I’m going to be fine, like before when I was blue and no one knew quite what to do but I knew I was going to be ok in Gartnavel.

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